Saturday, January 25, 2020

Child Safeguarding At A Pre School Social Work Essay

Child Safeguarding At A Pre School Social Work Essay This assignment gives a general insight to my job role and responsibilities including achievements and targets that I have gained in my post so far regarding child safeguarding and continues working towards within the pre-school that I am currently employed by and represent. Showing awareness and understanding of working together with other outside organisations, services and sources that can connect daily to the children and pre-school environment. Demonstrate my knowledge and the importance of safeguarding following government definitions and guidelines that all professionals working with children, young people and families adhere to so that child safety is the priority achieved. As a pre-school worker my role is to nurture, teach and care for children aged 3-5 years in a pre-school setting either individually or in a group. My job description is to ensure children are safe and well cared for so they develop and are stimulated by age-appropriate activities in a safe suitable environment. Although childcare workers are not teachers we may encourage and teach basic skills to children such as social and interaction skills such as taking turns and sharing toys and hygiene procedures like flushing the toilet and then washing hands. In the pre-school we are organised to work on the whole as a team with each team member having a designated role for example one named person for first aid, or health and safety, or child safeguarding. Although all staff are required to have Criminal Record Bureau checks, qualifications and regular updated training in all of these areas of child care to produce good quality daily knowledgeable practice in the pre-school setting. Pre-school introduces children into learning for preparation starting school, many outside agencies integrates with/along side pre-school environments such as army welfare services, health services, local police officers, local primary schools, ofsted, speech therapists this is just a few. To achieve the best out of my role as pre-school worker it is important that I am managed well and feel supported individually and within my team, and resources are available to attend regular training and courses. Enabling me to keep up to date with policies, procedures and qualifications relevant and required to work with children. Training such as safeguarding children gains and reinforces the necessary skills and knowledge to identify, respond to signs and symptoms of children experiencing abuse at the same time being alert and reacting correctly and efficiently to all possible concerns and dangers. 1 In a talk by T G during a safeguarding children training course it was stated that the government provides definitions to guide all professionals working with children young people and their families to identify when there are serious causes for concerns about children these are: Different Brief Definition One Example of Abuse Categories Indicator Physical causing harm also includes unexplained or Fabricating symptoms of or inconsistent Deliberately induces illness in a child explanation of Injuries or Burns Emotional constant emotional maltreatment low self-esteem Of child such as to cause severe and Persistent adverse effects on emotional Development Neglect persistent failure to meet a childs basic lack of care Needs physically and/or psychologically inadequate Clothing, Heating, light Or food Sexual forcing, enticing, involving a child to unusual Participate in sexual activities including difficulty Viewing imagery also encouraging in walking Inappropriate sexual behaviour from a or sitting Child Wiltshire Local Safeguarding Children Board Updated May 2008 TG The government guidelines, working together to safeguard children (1999), Divide child abuse into four neat categories sexual, physical, and emotional And neglectful- but in reality many of this overlap. With any form of abuse There will be emotional abuse too, although this may occur on its own. As cited The Guardian 7 October 2008 2 Sharing information is for the purpose of safeguarding and Promoting the welfare of children, sharing information amongst Practitioners working with children and families are essential. In Many cases it is only when information from a range of sources Is put together that a child can be seen to be in need or at risk Of harm. A failure to pass on information that might prevent a Tragedy could expose you to criticism. As cited The Guardian 13 November 2008 Effective practice uses awareness and fully understands the importance of sharing concerns and information. We cannot afford to ignore signs at a risk of appearing foolish or alarmist, daily my role can identify families with needs that effect a childs well being, armed forces children are the majority at the pre-school, the issues that arise from parent/carer who can be isolated from family and friends by military postings, soldier spouses are often absent due to active duties or training. So a parent/carer could be experiencing difficulties such as financial worries, lack of support, worried about the well being of spouse on active duty for instance in Afghanistan, these issues interconnects amongst the whole family unit. So having the knowledge you are better equipped to listen hard and observe carefully the behaviours between child and parent/carer and alert to recognise signs and symptoms an example could range from inadequate parenting to inappropriate clothing for season of th e year, could show problems and a need for help, there are services that can offer support and assist the parents ability to care better for children before a situation gets out of hand but a lot of parent/carers feel ashamed, embarrassed, inhibited or simply just dont know how to access this help. Instead of intervening early and effectively, struggling local authorities Wait until children are in crisis, then act reluctantly, half-heartedly And ineffectively, its not their fault. The funding systems are designed In such away. As cited The Guardian 4 September 2009 In a talk on safeguarding children 6 November 2009 it was explained and stated If any support agencies were contacted directly by the family or referred by Their family GP at the request of the family for support, the agencies Assess the needs of the child by means of a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and this ensures that everyone involved such as Pre-school worker, health visitor, police officer, social workers use This framework to work together and support the child and that child Receives the right support at an early stage before their needs increases. 3 Daily I can work closely with individual children, so there is opportunity and time to develop a relationship of trust giving a child an opening to talk, some children may not tell you, you might guess even been led by them to read between the lines. This is where knowledge and procedures are of key importance, so that you listen to the child and avoid any leading questions, being careful not to offend, intimidate the child or the situation as this could be the first and last attempt for a child needing to trust someone to disclose what may be happening to them in the hope of help, I would then Reassure the child the best I could and then explain as simply as I can so the child understands that the things said would need to be passed on to pre-schools supervisor as they will know best what to do. If a disclosure was made, I would then need to follow the pre-school settings policies and procedures we have in place

Friday, January 17, 2020

How My Optimism Helps Me Overcome Obstacles

Alyssa McCutchen Period 6 3/15/12 How My Optimism Helps Me Overcome Obstacles Optimism is such a funny thing. It has the capability to help you solve some of the most challenging and troublesome problems you’ll ever face in your entire life. This is exactly what optimism does for me. I have had some of the most challenging and troublesome things happen to me and using optimism during those times really helped me through them, and I honestly don’t think I would have made it through all of those times without using optimism.During those times optimism came to me in any and every way, shape, or form. It would come to me if the sun was shining outside, from a verse in a song, from a text I would get, or sometimes even from playing a silly board game to pass the time. All of these things helped me to learn that â€Å"can do† attitude. That attitude where you feel like you can fly if you want to, that you can reach the highest peak in the tallest mountain, or that no m atter how bad your situation may be it’ll get better. That attitude that shows optimism at it’s greatest.When I was a little girl, there was always this one specific person that made me such a positive, energetic, and hopeful little girl. That one person happened to be the one and only Dr. Seuss. He was such a motivational person to me as I was growing up and he still is today. Everything he said stuck to me like a magnet, and made me think long and hard about what he was saying and what it meant to me. There was this one quote he said that has stuck with me ever since I was little, and it goes a little something like this, â€Å"Now I’ve heard there are troubles of more than one kind.Some come from ahead, some come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat, I’m already you see. Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me. † When I hear that quote I feel like Dr. Seuss is trying to say get up! Wipe that dust off of your back, stand up str aight, and put a smile on your face. Look your obstacles in the eye and show them that you’re not going to back down. That you’re still as positive and strong as ever, and that you will never give up. Although a majority of that quote resembles perseverance, perseverance wouldn’t exist without optimism.Optimism is such a funny thing. It has the capability to put a smile on someone’s face, to put a spring in their step, and to overall brighten there day. My own mother is a prime example of this. My mom has what is called Congestive Heart Failure. Congestive Heart Failure is the inability of the heart to supply sufficient blood flow. Because of this my mom happens to be disabled, and can’t work or do a lot of physical activity. Even though she has so many reasons to be negative about life, she refuses.Instead, she focuses on being a good, positive role model and mother to my Sister, and I. As Elbert Hubbard once said, â€Å"Optimism is a kind of hea rt stimulant- the diagnosis of failure. † Optimism has brought me through some many things in my life, and I’m sure it always will. Because I know this, no amount of obstacles can knock me down. The Greek philosopher once said, â€Å"Happiness depends upon ourselves. † As for me, I choose to be happy because I know I have optimism and that alone is more than enough.In the words of William Ward, â€Å"Every person has the power to make others happy. Some do it simply by entering the room, others by leaving the room. Some individuals leave trails of gloom, others trails of joy. Some leave trails of hate and bitterness, others trails of love and harmony. Some leave trails of cynicism and pessimism, others trails of faith and optimism. Some leave trails of criticism and resignation, others trails of gratitude and hope. What kind of trails do you leave? †

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Terrorism No Easy Definition - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1282 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Running Head: TERRORISM: NO EASY DEFINITION Why is Terrorism so hard to define? Violence Undefined TERRORISM: NO EASY DEFINITION Abstract My first Reaction Paper in Module 2 discusses why terrorism is so hard to define. This paper will address the many uses of extreme force and violence that is meant to make the government or population alter its direction. Dyson states, it can take a variety of forms, including left wing, right wing, special interest, single issue, religious, ethnic, and hate. (Dyson, 2012, p. 34-35). Of course, some people believe, for instance, terrorism can only be performed in a group but they can be individual as well. TERRORISM: NO EASY DEFINITION 3 Violence Everywhere Terrorism is very difficult to define. When a person thinks of terrorism, the first thing they may think of is the pain, fear, and violence. Even though there are some actions that do cause pain and fear, it is not necessarily considered terrorism A local street gang could induce fright on the part of the neighborhood . . Motorcycle gang riding down main street of a small community could generate fear to the townspeople . . strikers could be frightened by union busters. robber could cause extreme panic in his victim if he suddenly shot out the windows of the persons store. (Dyson, 2012, p. 19) Moreover, the word Terrorist was first used because of the Revolutionary government. It provided the example of future states in coercing their populations as well as inspiring a reaction by the traditionalists and other opponents. These terrorists used tactics such as murder and pressure for those who resisted the Revolutionary agents. Further, due to the violent political actions over the past few years, a majority of individuals assume that any extreme violence is considered terrorism because they believe it is for political intentions. Too, state, county, and local governments, have been known to use the FBIs definition. The definition is any unlawful use or action that intimidates or even coerces a government or its people for political or even social objectives will not be accepted at all. (Dyson, 2012, p. 25) Since the FBI is considered law enforcement and in their eyes specifically terrorism is a crime, other agencys that are more concerned with the intelligence of terrorist, is not bothered about the legal aspect. In addition, different particular interest and civil rights groups will more than likely work on the definition so that their interest is noted. In an effort to eliminate their members from the general population, the group representing a specific ethnic or religious group will want to TERRORISM: NO EASY DEFINITION 4 ensure their definition is broad enough. Therefore, not only is terrorism illegal but anyone in the field of fighting terrorism believes the definition should be the use of extreme violence meant to a change both the government and society. Although law enforceme nt and governmental agencies do not consider marches, demonstrations, etc. terrorism, special interest organizations want to be sure their definition be included. This ensures that the legal activities are included in the scope of terrorism. Just because the protests turn into riots does not mean it is actually terrorism. And, to understand the concept of terrorism, numerous questions should be addressed does a terrorist have to seek the overthrow of the government? Does terrorist have to attempt to kill people? Does a terrorist have to frighten the entire population? Does a terrorist have to employ physical violence? Is there a minimal amount of damage that must be done be before an attack can be classified as being terrorism? (Dyson, 2012, p. 21-22) Depending on the type of terrorism, would determine the particular type of terrorism. For instance, the FBIs definition of domestic terrorism is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“ . unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or Puerto Rico without foreign directions and whose acts are directed at elements of the U.S. government or its population.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (Dyson, 2012, p. 25) While the domestic terrorism deals with the United States, the International Terrorism deals with the unlawful, threatened use of force or violence directed at the United States. (Dyson, 2012, p. 25) Equally important are the different types of terrorism than can be both domestic and international. For instance, the left-wing extremist could be considered both because they desire to alter things not tried before and that although Americans are considered good, the government currently has the responsibility for its citizens. One example of the left-wing extremist is the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). FARC mainly operates in Columbia TERRORISM: NO EASY DEFINITION 5 with behaviors of extortion, weapons acquisition, logistics, kidnapping , bombings, mortar attacks and murder against the Colombian military. Economic and political targets, as well as guerrilla and conventional military action, are also performed by FARC. Because the United States supports the Columbian Government, FARC believes the United States personnel to be a legitimate military target. This group is against the government, capitalism, and the environment. Another example of the left-wing extremist is Ted Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber. He was against the development and progressive technology of the United States as he tried to improve a nature-centered form of a revolt. Another type of terrorism is the Right-Wing Extremism. These domestic terrorist groups are inspired by philosophies such as distrust of the government, anti-immigration, and tax, etc. Once such example is that of Timothy McVeigh, who set off a bomb at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City twenty (20) years ago. His goal was to resist open-minded governments while conserving the traditional public orders as well as wanting to be considered by militias and gang. The fascist Nazi dictatorship and the Klu Klux Klan group are also examples of Right-Wing Extremism because they also, not only operate in the United States, but in Russia and Germany. The Right-Wing Extremism prefers not to have a government, which would make them anarchist and just like the Left Wing, can be considered both domestic and international. Next is the Single-Issue or the Special-Interest Terrorism. Although the group does not violently attack and does not have a political agenda, they are known to be responsible for the most number of incidents. They want to solve specific issues by conducting acts of violence for a particular cause for example animal rights, environmental, pro-life and anti-nuclear. Issues of both domestic and international terrorism are usually single-issue groups such as animal rights, TERRORISM: NO EASY DEFINITION 6 Anti-abortion, eco-issu es, and anti-genetic engineering. Special interest terrorism is different from the traditional right wing and left-wing because the extremist special interest groups look to resolve particular issues, rather than influence more extensive political change. Domestic terrorists respond after a trigger happens, even though most are not psychotic. An example of is Timothy McVeigh. He was the individual who bombed the Murrah building in Oklahoma City after the FBI and ATF invaded David Koresh Branch Davidian compound. Another type of terrorism is Religious Terrorism. Religious Terrorism can be dangerous because the passion for sacrificing them for the cause comes into play. There are all kinds of tactics, such as suicide bombings, that is used to ensure their points are made and to help inspire this passion. The only other department that defines international terrorism is the State Department. They describe international terrorism as involving individuals of more than the one (1) c ountry to control its population. In the late 1700 to early 1800s, the French Revolution had many executions. That was the first state terrorism. In conclusion, the difficulty in conveying a complete definition of terrorism remains not only in the motives, targets and methods that vary from case-to-case, but the connections within each group make it impossible. TERRORISM: NO EASY DEFINITION 7 References 1. Dyson, W. E. (2012). Terrorism: An investigators handbook. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Terrorism: No Easy Definition" essay for you Create order

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Reflection Of Self Reflection And Self Restraint - 962 Words

Ramadan is a special time in the Muslim community as it holds a valuable position in their hearts and minds. It is believed that during this time the blessings of Allah are bounteously bestowed to the followers of the Islamic faith. Each night, the mosques all over the world are stuffed with Muslims listening and reciting the Quran. Ramadan is a special event that occurs on the ninth month of the 12-month Islamic calendar which is based on the sighting of the new moon. This month is fundamentally a time where followers of the Islamic give up food, drinks, sex, smoking etc. for the main purpose of self reflection and self restraint. Prominent practices during Ramadan include, sawm, praying and reciting the Quran. All of the previously mentioned practices are believed to connect to spiritual reflection, self improvement and increased worship. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is both a duty and a great worship. The fast otherwise known as sawm which means to refrain, begins at sunrise and ends at sunset every day. All Muslims who have come to adolescence and are healthy are required to participate in the fast. However, when fasting may drastically affect the health of the fasting individual or when one is genuinely sick, Islam excuses him or her from fasting. During this time, Muslims are supposed to refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, sexual activity, and immoral behavior. During this time, Muslims still go to work, school and deal with their normal everydayShow MoreRelatedPhysical Restraints And Nursing Homes : Clinical Ethical Considerations By Chris Gastmans And K Milisen1096 Words   |  5 Pagesof this essay is â€Å"Use of physical restraints in nursing homes: clinical-ethical considerations† by Chris Gastmans and K Milisen. 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